I have a spider that has set up a web in my window inside my room just about a centimeter away from the glass. It must be a good spot because she's been there for a while. The other day I heard a loud buzzing and saw a bee or yellowjacket flying around in my room. Then I heard a "thunk" as it hit the window and got caught in the spider's web.
Game on! The spider moved quickly to bite it, while managing to avoid the stinger (I assume a yellowjacket would attempt to use its stinger. I guess I'm not sure about a bee, since delivering the sting is fatal and that would seem to defeat the point of stinging to escape a spider's web.) Anyway, after some furious buzzing, the bee succumbed to the spider's poison. The spider wrapped her new meal in a nice burrito wrapping and tucked in to a gigantic meal.
Creepy, but also pretty cool. As long as you aren't afraid of spiders.
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